Wisdom Challenge: Day 26

The lazy one says,
‘There is a lion in the way!
A fierce lion is in the streets!’

Proverbs 26:13 (NKJV)

My dad used to say to me:
“Every time you use ‘but’ you negate everything you said before that.”

We’ve all heard it before:
“No offense, but…” or
“I don’t mean to be rude, but…” or my favorite!
“Not to sound racist, but…” (lol).

In each of these cases the person then proceeds to say something offensive, rude, and racist.

This Proverb, however, is referencing a slightly different scenario.

Have you ever met a person that person who constantly complains about their life circumstances? and when you offer solutions they have an excuse, or “reason” for why it won’t work?

That annoys the heck out of me.

Even of the proposed solution has worked for many others with similar circumstances, this person has a list of excuses, or “reasons” why they’re different and it wouldn’t work for them.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve all been there at one time or another– at least I have– but chances are if you’re reading this blog then you’re more self aware than the average person.
(the ‘but’ here was followed by a positive statement and that’s acceptable).

I have a saying for myself–

Don’t let fear be the only reason you don’t do something.


As someone who’s strongly considered going to law school in times past, I’m pretty good about justifying excuses.

Whenever I get down to the root of my hesitancy, it always boils down to one of two things: fear or laziness. Neither are righteous attributes.

Every decision comes with this battle.

So what’s your excuse?

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